Oct 9, 2007

Salalah trip - confirmed members

Well, the final list for the trip is confirmed. And the list (in no particular order)
  • Dinesh - Dinesh Elangovan
  • Kishore - Pani Kishore Gontla
  • Kumar - Saravana Kumar Paulraj (me)
  • Melvin - Melvin Kingsley
More details on the trip will be published soon :-)

My blog links on this trip -

The plan
Dubai to Salalah - route plan
Salalah to Dubai - return plan
Salalah Trip - another map
Salalah trip - confirmed members

Salalah Trip - another map

Yet another map for your eyes...

The plan
Dubai to Salalah - route plan
Salalah to Dubai - return plan
Salalah Trip - another map

Oct 5, 2007

Salalah to Dubai - return plan

Here is the plan for the return journey. Its again the small blue-sketch only (green in color though). Activities on individual days will published soon after discussions.

And the news on the list of people traveling.

Melvin & Myself - confirmed.
Kishore & Murali have dropped their Egypt trip. However Kishore is more confident in the trip than Murali. Lets see.
Dinesh - yet to confirm the trip. He is waiting for the leave to be confirmed from his office.

Lets just wait and see...

My Blog Links related to this trip:

The plan
Dubai to Salalah - route plan
Salalah to Dubai - return plan

Oct 2, 2007

Dubai to Salalah - route plan

Well, all are going good I guess. I had a discussion with Melvin (my colleague who is joining me for the trip) and we arrived at the below map for the onward journey.

Me has been to Salalah during Dec-Jan 2006-2007 period in his Pajero and he literally is going to be the guide cum partner for the trip.

Lets see how it finally grows-up.

My Blog Links related to this trip:

The plan

Oct 1, 2007

Road Trip to Salalah on 12Oct2007 - plan

Well as the subject says, its just a plan. Lets see if this works out. If it works out - lets see who is in and who is out for this trip.

As of now Myself (Saravana Kumar Paulrak / SKP) and Melvin Kingsley (from Emirates) are confirmed members. Melvin is trying from his side to get members.

Murali, Sundar & Kishore are planning for Egypt. They might come in Salalah plan if the Egypt trip is canceled for some reasons.

Dinesh could join if his leave is ok with the plan.

Few maps as we have collected is shown here - just for reference. The trip plan will be published slowly...